How to listen to podcasts on an iPhone

How To Listen To Podcasts

Are you sitting there thinking “this is all great but how do I listen to podcasts?”. Well, Charlie, we are here to help, it’s pretty easy and there are loads of options depending on what device you have.

What is a podcast?

Podcasts are basically radio shows that you can download or stream on demand (there’s a lot more to it than that but you don’t need to bore yourself with the details).

Apple Podcasts


this is where most people who listen to podcasts get started. Apple have been long term supporters of podcasts and integrated them with iTunes way back in 2004! You already have an app pre-installed, it has a purple icon (pictured above) & is called ‘Podcasts‘ (if you’ve deleted it you can reinstall from the app store). You just search for “Trampled Bat” click on our picture & press ‘Subscribe’. You’ll automatically get new episodes downloaded when they’re released, ready for you to listen.

Android Google Podcasts

Android Phones & Tablets

we suggest trying Acast or Stitcher apps. Both are available from Google Play. You can follow Trampled Bat by searching for us on either app. If you’re feeling really adventurous you could download the Trampled Bat App which gives you a whole app just for us!



if you’re a Spotify subscriber we’re on there too! You can download individual episodes or Follow us for the latest content delivered to you.

In Your Car

we’re told that some fancy new cars have TuneIn Radio built in to the stereo. We must admit we’ve never seen this working but you can also get us on there (they also have a desktop & mobile app if you’d prefer!)

If you use any other podcast aggregation app (there are tonnes to choose from all with there unique quirks) we’re probably already on there. If you can’t find us get in touch and let us know.